Consumption of processed meats and sugar-sweetened beverages had a particularly strong association with risk of early death, ...
A large study suggests that there might be a striking reason to limit your intake of ultra-processed foods — early death. The study of 115,000 people found that those who ate large amounts of ...
EATING too many ultra-processed foods has been linked to a higher risk of early death, a 30-year study has found. Scientists from Harvard University tracked over 114,000 healthy US adults over the ...
Ultra-processed foods have been associated with multiple health conditions. Eating certain types of UPFs carries a higher risk of early death than others, a new study found. Processed meats and ...
A recent study by Harvard University, spanning over 30 years and tracking 1,14,000 participants, has highlighted the risks associated with consuming ultra-processed foods (UPF). Higher consumption of ...
Ultra-processed foods are associated with higher risk of early death, especially ready-to-eat meat and seafood.
Although higher consumptions of ultra-processed foods were associated with greater risks of stroke and cognitive decline, ...